14-Day Yoga Challenge

Day 1

20 min Yoga Program for HEALTHY JOINTS - Day 1...

Day 2

10 min Yoga Program for ENERGY and VITALITY - Day 2...

Day 3

15 min Yoga Program for MENTAL CLARITY - Day 3...

Day 4

15 min Yoga Program for WILLPOWER and a STRONG CORE - Day 4...

Day 5

15 min Yoga Program for STRONG LUNGS and a DEEP BREATH - Day 5...

Day 6

15 min Yoga Program for THYROID GLANDS and POWER in your EXPRESSION - Day 6...

Day 7

15 min Yoga Program for DIGESTION and preventing CONSTIPATION - Day 7 ...

Day 8

15 min Yoga Program for ASTHMA or ANXIETY ATTACKS - Day 8...

Day 9

15 min Yoga Program for CREATIVITY - Day 9...

Day 10

15 min Yoga Program for STRESS MANAGEMENT - Day 10...

Day 11

15 min Yoga Program for IMMUNE SYSTEM Balance - Day 11...

Day 12

15 min Yoga and Meditation Program for MINDFULNESS - Day 12...

Day 13

15 min Yoga Program for EMOTIONAL BALANCE - Day 13...

Day 14

20 min Yoga Program for a HEALTHY HEART - Day 14...

Dijan .Co

Dijan is a yoga therapist and classical tantra teacher passionate about sharing practical and effective ways for a vibrant body, mind, and soul. Yoga, pranayama, kriyas (purification), mindful practices, psychospiritual work, meditation, diet adjustments, and lifestyle adjustments are integrated into a holistic approach to health.  Yoga therapy offers practical tools for restoring balance with a holistic approach.

Course Description

Yoga programs for improving the quality of your life in all areas; even during quarantine times. Every day a new sequence of around 15/20 minutes; for immune system, creativity, mental clarity, mindfulness and more. Suitable for all levels.

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Course Price

Under Subscription

Course Type

Teacher Course

Course Teacher

Dijan .Co