20 mins Tola Yoga For Finding Your Balance

Day 1

Tola Yoga . Finding Your Balance . 20 minutes...

Lili Molina

Lili Molina is a Yoga teacher, a Peace Meditation Coach, and a traveler. She started practicing and learning yoga in 2011. According to her, Yoga is a philosophy of life. Yoga is like ToltecayotL, the art of good living. Yoga is making every day a piece of art. Lili Invites you to enjoy this endless learning path with her. Let your heart guide your perception of everything. Get in touch with your inner being and intuition. Together, let's create that union of body, mind, and soul.

Shanti Omnull

Course Description

In Tola Yoga exercises, postures and alignment are emphasized along with these five fundamentals: Abdominals, Core Strengthening (Lunges), Yoga Stretches, Balancing, and Foundation poses (Warrior pose). This special course is to find a balanced life.

The balance in your life is not just vital to your happiness and well-being. In addition, it boosts your productivity, it also helps you advance in your career prospects and business success. Balance allows individuals to concentrate their attention and energy on achieving their goals, taking meaningful actions, and moving forward effectively. Moreover, this course will

  • Make yourself aware by reflecting on your state and being honest with yourself.
  • Reduce toxins
  • Find the focus
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Make you think rather than reacting
  • Make you accept failure
  • Increase Mindfulness
  • Help learn to accept

Equipment: Yoga mat

Body focus: All

Difficulty: easy

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Course Price

Under Subscription

Course Type

Teacher Course

Course Teacher

Lili Molina